Underdogs are hungry dogs....

Underdogs are hungry dogs....

Football is back... God Bless. I've been on this kick of listening to the 'New Heights' podcast; Jason and Travis Kelce's podcast... 12/10 recommend. Side note-- I am by birthright a Buffalo Bills fan and will be until the day I die... but I would be lying if I said that their podcast hasn't turned me into a bit of an Eagles and/or a Chiefs fan.

I love their podcast because it reminds me of hanging out with my brother and it makes my soul so happy. Just laughing and being goofy and being siblings and that love and connection they have is so palpable and I love it. Makes my heart glow. I love football for many reasons... Wings, beer, the family text threads blowing up... but what I really love are the stories and the players. The camaraderie. The underdog story. The ability to decide that they're changing the pace of the game and clawing their way out of the hole. The way a team can work in harmony. All in all, DOPE. 

Back to the point, since now that I am kind of an eagles fan... wild. Naturally I had to watch Jason Kelce's documentary on Amazon... titled.. wait for it... "Kelce" haha classic. They showed highlights of Jason's speech to the town of Philly after their Super Bowl win in 2018 (speech linked here because its EPIC) and something he said stuck with me and I think I'll hold onto it forever and I hope you do to. It was about underdogs. He was talking about how for years Philly was starved of the championship title, that everyone from fellow players, coaches, fans, commentators, analysts and everyone else counted them out and talked shit. The Eagles were not and are not shit in the league and what that organization did was was they said very clearly and confidently... Fuck You. They dug down deep, they committed to their teammates, their leadership and the organization and the common goal they had. The speech then led to Jason saying "Do you know what an underdog is? A hungry dog and hungry dogs run faster.... and if I miss breakfast; I am FUCKING HUNGRY." 

I hope you stay hungry, stay humble, and stay committed. Stay a maverick. Let them talk, let them doubt and then let them feed you fucking breakfast because an underdog is a HUNGRY dog and hungry dogs RUN FASTER. 

Be a fucking dog. Be an animal. Get yourself fed. 


Stay a maverick. Dare to live your life unorthodox. 

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